Steel Fabrication Services

Grit Blasting

This involves forcibly propelling an abrasive material against a surface under high pressure. Blasting grades include:

Sa 2 – Thorough Blast Cleaning
Sand blasting preparation, is the lowest grade in sandblasting processing. All rust, mill scale and old paint are completely removed by abrasive blasting. This is commonly called Whip Blasting.

Sa2.5 Near White Blast cleaning
In this method, all oil, grease, dirt, mill scale, rust, paint or other foreign matter have been completely removed from the surface by abrasive blasting.

Sa 3D – Blast Cleaning to White Metal
The highest grade of removal of surface contamination. All visible rust, mill scale, paint and contaminants are removed, leaving the metal uniformly white or gray in appearance. This is the ultimate in blast cleaning.

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